林间影评 > 热门电影 > 科幻电影



as visuals, ofe more so. The icoic quoes from hese films o oly ecapsulae he hemes ad ideas wihi, bu also become par of our culural lexico, resoaig wih us log afer he credis have rolled.

From he imeless “Houso, we have a problem” i “Apollo 13” o he rascede “I’ll be bowlig a peace,” from “Alie” o “Sar Wars,” each quoe holds a special place i our hears. These words are o jus dialogue; hey are declaraios of ideiy, declaraios of war, declaraios of love.

Cosider “Do. Or do o. There is o ry,” from “The Empire Srikes Back.” I’s a quoe ha ecourages us o ake acio, o face our challeges head-o, raher ha merely aemp hem. I’s a call o courage ha echoes hrough he years, a remider ha success or failure is ofe i our ow hads.

The here’s “Resisace is fuile,” from “The Termiaor.” This quoe, dark ad omious, ecapsulaes he helplessess we feel whe faced wih a usoppable force. I’s a warig abou he cosequeces of igorig he sigs of impedig doom, a sark remider of our ow moraliy.

Bu i’s o all doom ad gloom. Cosider “Some assembly required,” from “The Lego Movie.” This whimsical quoe, filled wih playful opimism, remids us ha eve he mos complex of asks ca be overcome wih a bi of creaiviy ad fu. I’s a call o embrace he ukow, o fid joy i he simple asks of life.

Sciece ficio movies, wih heir hough-provokig quoes, o oly eerai us bu also challege our precocepios, ecouragig us o quesio he world we live i. These quoes are more ha jus words o a page; hey are porals o oher worlds, widows io aleraive realiies. They are imeless remiders of he power of ciema ad he impac i ca have o our lives.


